Township art is a one-way street

It’s become common to find scenes of township life decorating the homes of affluent South Africans.  Do township residents do the same?   I haven’t seen any paintings of Constantia actuaries standing in their driveways, Waldorf kids at aftercare or Mrs. Ackerman carrying groceries to her Range Rover.

But maybe it’s time to depict those scenes. The robot artists could have a go at the daily lives of the wealthy, using their signature acrylic and tin style.  Let’s see who does it first.


2 Responses to “Township art is a one-way street”

  1. Great fresh ideas, we like the way you think Rossouw!

    We’ve actually just finished up a month long workshop with a couple of the guys where some new exciting stuff has come out of it ( We hope to have an exhibition/launch party soon to exhibit the works!

    While trying to help these Robot Artists reach a new market internationally, which has gained some momentum recently, we also do want to help act as a catalyst for fresh new ideas like these that they can sell. Feel free to send on over any fresh ideas to feed into the creativity cycle!

    • Thanks, I think it’s great what you guys are doing and I’m looking forward to that exhibit.

      Seeing as they’re called the Robot Artists, they should consider putting some gigantic friendly robots into their township scenes.

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